Ranking Round at the Paris 2024 Games: Here Are The African Archers’ Results

Today saw the ranking round played at Invalides, Paris where six African Archers are currently taking part in the archery competition at the Olympic Games, Paris 2024. The morning session started with the Recurve Women event which saw a new World Record beaten by the top seeding South Korean archer LIM Sihyeon who scored a brilliant 694. 18 archers out of the 64 who shot today realized either their season or personal’s best and most of them were among the top seeders, which clearly shows how prepared they are and announces a tough competition ahead during the eliminations.
The African ladies’ performance was not, unfortunately, up to the expectations as the three of them seeded at the bottom of the list. In fact, out of the three, only GUI representative, Fatoumata Sylla was able to go beyond the threshold of the 610 points, realizing 619 pts, whereas Rihab Elwalid, TUN ranked 62 with 593 points just one place above Jana Ali, EGY who scored 573.

The men’s results were not better than the women’s as the three African representatives ranked last after the end of the second ranking session. Indeed, Egypt’s Tolba ranked 62 with 624 pts while South Africa’s Roux ranked 63 with 601 pts, and Chad’s Madaye seeded 64 with only 600 pts.

The elimination rounds will start with the 1/32 round on July 30. Following is the schedule for each of the athletes.

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